
The spectrum clinic

ADHD & Autism Services

Assessment Training

The Spectrum Clinic offers Assessment and Diagnosis Training for both ADHD & Autism and Children & Adults. These intensive sessions are curated especially for clinicians, and provide useful information for researchers and professionals alike. View our upcoming training events here or contact us to discuss any bespoke training requirements you or your team may have.

Clinic Partnerships

We have a trusted team of partners from clinicians and psychologists. As we grow and serve more clients with an expanded service offering we are open to new mutually beneficial partnerships.


Dr. Antionietta Pirillo is available for speaking requests subject to agreement. Her years of assessment experience across all demographics provide a valuable insight into the latest situation regarding ADHD and Autism in the UK. Supported by in-the-field assessments and hosting professional training events Dr. Pirillo's experience is current and practically applicable.

Other Opportunities

We have a collaborative approach with industry participants to get the best outcomes for our clients and partners. This means we are open to discussing opportunities such as;

• Podcast interviews

• Guest blog posts

Professionals Newsletter

We create a regular newsletter for professionals.

If you want to receive upcoming news about training, supervision, or any other offers from The Spectrum Clinic please sign-up below (we won't spam you/you can cancel anytime).

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